Registered users can also use our to download files directly from all file hosts where it was found on. If no files were found or matches are not what you expected just use our request file feature. If file is deleted from your desired shared host first try checking different host by clicking on another file title. I guessed these codes where stopping the car regenning and it was stuck in a loop. Within a few miles drive I plugged in and checked again, they where back. The software is in a mini dvd that came with the package. Over 20 Litres of Fuel in tank (I half filled the tank for good measure)įirstly I installed inpa software on my laptop.Some Fault codes are stored – Mainly and Ironicly the DPF fault code itself.Engine temperature does not reach over >75c, and stay over this for a period of time (20/30 mins).In fact I think Any BMW code scanner will do. I did an extensive research, and finally enabled the car to perform a regen, with the help of Inpa K+DCAN USB cable.
Checking engine temp was above 75c etc etc – no joy. I drove 1,000km later still on and even after thrashing for miles on the motorway. I bought my e90 325d 2007 with unnervingly clean exhaust tips and shortly after having DPF warning light come on.